Monday, 17 August 2009

Year three WINOL timetable

The year three WINOL timetable is here The whole timetable for year three is here EXCEPT for the media studies module you have to do. You will have chosen this in the module catalogue and will have information about that. I know nothing about that.


Anonymous said...

Ok, so to clarify (as i need to be 100% sure for my work) ...

We have WINOL on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday starting at 9 am and the time we finish will vary with the choice of role we choose to do at the beginning of the semester.

We have Media Law and Ethics 2 (year 3's) on Thursday at 12-1pm? (says this on the year 3 timetable with tbc next to it) or is it from 10-12noon (as it say sthis on the timetable via my record on the portal.

year 3

Chris Horrie said...

What is on the Winchester journalism site is correct to the best of my kbowledge. I don't control when the rooms are available for lectures and I will pass on any information I have the moment I have it. You should look at the coursesite frequently, and maybe subscribe to it. During term time the coursesite has a lot of useful material on it most days anyway.