Monday, 17 August 2009

Year two timetable

The YEAR TWO WINOL timetableIt is here. This is very much the core of the timetable and it deals with all the practical journalism. The sessions vary from day to day and from week to week so you will have to use a diary.

The timetable for the semester as a whole is hereEXCEPT for whatever Media Studies course you have to do. I don't know anything about that and I expect that you will be informed about it once you turn up. But the other modules require a lot of preparation before you arrive, especially the HCJ where you should get started on the reading as soon as you can, if you can.

Thanks to Maddie for raising this. Please post comments here if you have queries, rather than (or in addition to) sending emailsto Chris Horrie. Then everyone can use the information and we can prevent false rumours spreading!

It will be hard work but very rewarding this year. Especially when we are in live production - it is like a runaway train and very much like having a full-time job in that part of the week. The reading for HCJ is also fairly demanding - that's a full day every week to do justice to that. People who want to be journalists will love it; others will hate it (I certainly hope!).

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