Monday, 3 May 2010

HCJ2 Vienna Circle

On the earlier post (Friday April 30th) about this I did not in fact add a link to my lecture notes. The link is here:


You will not be examined on this topic, because it was an extra session. It might help though with understanding Hayek a bit better. Hayek is next week. There's a few videos about Hayek related topics in the original post (April 30th).

I will also do a webcast lecture (series?) about Vienna Circle, modern logic, Ayer, value-free economics when I get a moment. This topic also relates back to Steinbeck - because Keynesianism was the reaction to the great depression, Wall Street Crash, dust bowl etc in the form of The New Deal. So I will be referring back to that. You need to know a little bit more about Keynes and I will try and do a webcast lecture on hom as well. In the meantime I have found an excellent Greek economics lecture who does perfect undergraduate lecel lectures online on Keynesian Macroeconomics. The link is furtrher down this page.

Today I am posting a lot - alternating between the general election preparation and HCJ (mostly HCJ2) - so sorry if confusing...!

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