There's no HCJ today because there is literally nothing worthwhile to be said about anything once we have 'done' LP and Wittgenstein. So the internal logic of the 2 year HCJ course is revealed - just like the universe itself it starts as being minute, simple, completely organised and incredibly hot, then it expands at a decreasing rate and ends up it all heads towards being infinately large, infinately confused and freezing cold. That said it is always worth listening to the great LP God John Searle talking about logic:
PLUS... A particularly good version of the Rabbit-Duck:
Frazer's The Golden Bough (the book that SHOULD end HCJ but which is too left-field... but I will do a webcast about it over the summer. "Mimemtic Desire" - and murder of scapegoats - it explains so much:
That's all for now... briefing for exam next week, then the exam itself and then you are done. You can think for yourself after that.
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