Monday 12 April 2010

LCP Photojournalists

Fascinating documentary this morning about graduates from the postgraduate photojournalism course at the London College of Printing in the early 1990s where I taught and was director of studies in journalism. Two of the twenty so were killed in war zones (Balkans, Palestine) but at least one has won a Pulitzer prize. The ones who died ignored my advice against taking photos in a warzone (particularly in a zone where there are snipers at work) without a flak-jacket and medical evacuation arrangements. In those days students would just drive down the Balkans with a camera and there was always a story there - always some burning buildings to photograph if nothing else. These people are in mid-career now and most of them have made it it in journalism - Reuters, The Times, agencies, etc. One says "the whole news agenda has been taken over by trivia". Here is the programme - well worth a blog. It also features Colin Jacobson who was the picture editor on a magazine I edited for a whole and was the picture editor of The Observer. I recently worked with Colin at Westminster University onthe postgrad journalism courses there - fascinating stuff on covering conflict.

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