Thursday 25 March 2010


WINOL traffic 170 unique users; not much of an improvement on the previous week. Market penetration there is about 3-4 percent which would be at the Daily Telegraph type level, rather than Sun or Mail.

NB all second years combined session.

Today at the end of the session on GONZO JOURNALISM I will brief you for a simple Gonzo Journalism assignment - hand in date Wednesday May 12th. You will need to write a 1,000 word feature or do an observational piece about the GENERAL ELECTION.

You must hand this is in as a written piece of work AND electronically to me.

You will join one of the political parties anywhere in the country and help out with at least one day's activities (eg giving out leaflets). You will explain that this is for a college project.

Then you will do it as observational journalism. For further guidance you can obtain and read a copy of my fantastic book "True Blue - strange tales of a Tory Nation" - reviewed by the Daily Telegraph as "A 300 page sneer" and by the Guardian as "simply the best and funniest account of local grass roots politics to have been written for two generations". You pays your money and you takes your choice.

Also you can read my notes on the Gonzo format on FEATURES - the link is here.

And finally you can of course make notes in the lecture today.

Some video clips:

DA Pennebakker: - Herr Strauss (German NeoNazis) - The War Room (Clinton election campaign) - "BATS!"


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