Friday 26 March 2010


You will need to write a 1,000 word observational piece about the GENERAL ELECTION. Hand in date Wednesday May 12th. It is instead of the test on Public Affairs in the TV News Production module.

You must hand this is in as a written piece of work AND electronically to BRIAN.

You will join one of the political parties anywhere in the country (NOT WINCHESTER) and help out with at least one day's activities (eg giving out leaflets). You will explain that this is for a college project.

Then you will do it as observational journalism. 

For further guidance on the style you can read Chris's fantastic book "True Blue - strange tales of a Tory Nation" - or read some of the articles written by the excellent Laura Barton - especially Barton's Britain.
The feature notes may help too.

If you are able to use a camera and edit then you can do a 10 minute film instead of the 1,000 words. It should be in the style of DA Pennebakker.

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