Monday 18 January 2010

YEAR THREE - outline shape of next semester's timetable

We have not yet finished with this semester yet but I have got a framework for the timetable for year three, semester two. It is constrained by the need to fit in with combined honours timetable. This means that the magazine journalism option will take place on Friday between 12 noon and 3pm.

If you are year three single hons you are required to do the following modules -
1. FYP (The Innocence project) counts as one module for the semester
2. Magazine journalism (counts as one module for the semester, and is an option)
3. New Winchester Review/ Production project. This is actually the features and magazine section(s) of WINOL. This is a double module.

In an impromptu discussion this morning I wondered if we could get New Winchester Review/Production project all done on a single day. It turns out that this is not possible. The only way to work it is as follows below.

The innocence project will take place in your own time, but in that Friday afternoon slot tutors will be available. Brian will organise a series of supervision sessions in addition. We are still working on the details of this but this should enable you to plan out your weeks from here on through to the end of semester. I will fill in the detailed week by week material on the coursesite when I can and then notify you all here. We will also brief you as we go along.

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