Saturday, 9 January 2010

Arrangements for the new term

This is just to confirm the arrangements for the start of the new term. We have the usual problems of people who have not read the coursesite and who have not attended the numerous briefing sessions spreading disinformation.



Although this course is very complex with things like live production - way beyond the organisational capability of most colleges - it runs like clockwork and a factor. All the information you ever need is on the coursesite and it is always correct. Feedback (meaning advice and criticism of your work) is given constantly in seminars, in debriefs after WINOL, on blogs and just in generally chatting and replying to students. This is an exceptional level of feedback and guidance.

In the unlikely event that we have made an error or need to change things this will be notified on the coursesite immediately, usually within minutes. It is important to check the coursesite frequently - not least because there is useful learning material posted.

Here are the details anyway.

YEAR ONE (single honours)

There is no need to attend the university for any purpose until the week of Monday February 1st. At the moment we are double and treble marking your work and this takes a great deal of time because we do this thoroughly - especially thorough at the end of the first term of the first year because this is the first time we have comprehensively assessed you and that has to be done very accurately.

In the week of February 1st then we will see members of GROUP A on Thursday AM (10am - 1pm) for about 15 minutes each. We will then see GROUP B on Thursday PM (2pm - 5pm) and then Group C on Friday AM (10am - 2pm). These details have been on the website since the start of the academic year.

Go to: (and then navigate to week 15).


We are likewise marking/double marking all the HCJ material at the moment, and reading the HCJ blogs. The deadline for the WINOL critical report is Wednesday January 20th. You are required to attend on Monday January 18th and Tuesday January 19th in order to get a briefing for the next stage of WINOL and the rest of the course. All this has been on the coursesite since the start of the academic year and has been discussed in various briefing sessions:

Go to: Navigate to week 13.


The deadline for the WINOL critical report is Wednesday January 20th. You are required to attend on Monday January 18th and Tuesday January 19th in order to get a briefing for the next stage of the course, including the magazine journalism module and the mighty Innocence Project. These details too have been on the site since the start of the academic year and/or have been pointed out at numerous briefing meetings.

Go to:

Lastly ... all arrangements for Media Studies modules are notified separately.

Overall we had a fantastic first term across all three years and I think we are going to see some exceptional work during the coming term and second semester when the work generally speaking gets much more interesting and challenging.


We have also been planning out the general election coverage which - we hope - will involve a live webcast all night Election Special programme from the studio which, possibly, will be used by Sky as a form of 'citizen journalism'. We are also working on a live link up with the journalism course at another college in the UK, and one in Austria where we will be able to get live reaction from a Euro perspective. It is going to be great. At the same time we are developing the online interactive magazine (for year three) which should be really remarkable. All this and the year three innocence project. Year One HCJ meanwhile moves on to the fascinating world of 19th century German idealism - Kant, Hegel, Fichte and Feuerbach,Marx, Schopenhauer... Year two is all high modernism - extistentialism, modern jazz, counter culture, Hunter S Thompson, sexual politics, psycho-journalism, postmodernism. All this and the possible move of the Tuesday 5-a-side football outdoors in respect on the better weather. Then there's punting on River Itchen, picnics in the New Forest and Yachting on the Solent. So it is all go and there's a lot to look forward to.

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