Friday, 6 November 2009

Year One - Journalism Now

Year One - I am reading through the blogs right now - they continue to be very, very good. I am measuring the Alexa traffic rank on each one - this is a guide to how many visitors you get not in absolute terms (which does not mean much) but relative to all other sites on the web. So I am just leaving the Alexa score there basically "1" means in the top one million (that would be excellent) and 10 means in the top 10 million. So an Alexa number of 6.5 means in the top 6.5 million websites in the world. I can tell you all of ways to increase your traffic - we will get to that soon in the course. In the meantime I am snowed under, so I won't comment much on blogs.

But I am reading them. I will also get the Journalism Now thing sorted over the weekend. That could attract a lot of traffic to both the coursesite and your personal blogs.In the meantime Charlotte has blogged up some useful notes on the philosopher David Hume. He is often bracketed together with Locke as one of the empiricists and moved on Locke's idea of synthetic ideas arising from sense impressions even further.

We will look a Hume in a couple of weeks as part of Adam Smith and Economics, if I am not mistaken. But Charlotte's notes are useful, though she needs to over them and get all the names right at the new 'precision english' standard. I'm not one to talk, but there you are. Charlotte on David Hume

In the meantime there's Hume here in this terrific series of TV talks which is like a video alternative to reading Russell - it is like Russell in video form.

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