Thursday, 26 November 2009

WINOL FEEBACK - from Ian Anderson

Ian Anderson (guest editor on the last pre-launch dummy) has been looking at WINOL online and gives this feedback on editions 1 and 2. Many thanks to him: Love the website front page with the masthead (looks familiar) and the 3 video boxes - and the
ticker is great.

A few thoughts on the last two bulletins:

Headlines and titles - I can see good signs that students are getting a sense of how important
it is to get these right - can't emphasise enough that this is the 'shop window. Still loads more
scope for being more imaginative with the shots - but this will come with more imaginative

Lead stories: Tuition fees felt like the right lead for the audience and the interview off the back in the
studio was editorially good - although framing could have been better. Framing matters because when it's wrong
the viewer's attention wanders.

Contrast with this week's lead (road smash) which felt wrong for the audience. Ask yourselves how
significant an event this was for students? Answer - not very.

Row over students 'taking over' Stanmore was a much better story. This has potential to be a big problem
for university bosses and for students. Good to be at the meeting but sadly no filming of rowdy late night
students, or student voices defending their right to live there.

Erasmus Park story was potentially brilliant for one reason - a shot of mushrooms growing in a
student kitchen! But it was much too fleeting - I assume because the camerawork wasn't good
enough. This should have been a headline shot. Lesson - when you recognise you have actual or
potential genuine news pictures for goodness sake take time and trouble to shoot it properly.

Children in Need was a nice end item (remember the 'mix') but sound a bit low for me.

On screen name supers looked really good.

What's on in Winchester - a bit of a stretch simply as a studio spot. Why not got out into town and pre-record
from one of the venues in question that week?

Presenters and reporters: I'm sure you've already told Maxine to slow down her delivery - studio shot on her
could have been tighter too. In fact they should all slow down their delivery! Still not seeing enough
pieces to camera or reporter 'involved' in stories. Stanmore ptc was good though - an honourable exception!

Hope some of this useful - what they are finding out now is how hard it is to do apparently simple things -
so stay positive.

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