Tristan Blythe - an ex magazine journalism student taught by Chris Horrie writes, saying he has been promoted to become editor of a trade title just three years after graduating. Tristan writes: Hi Chris - It's been a while since we've been in touch! Can't believe how long ago I left the course!
I am now the editor of a magazine called Private Client Practitioner, the publication for leading private client professionals. Our readership is mainly lawyers, accountants and trust companies. It is the same company as I got my first job at and they have been so pleased with me that in less than three years they gave me one of their titles - which since I took over has launched new initiatives and is now doing better than ever before.
We are currently looking to get some interns to help me out with our plans for next year. We're looking to launch even more new initiatives and features. I was wondering if any of the current cohort of students (or any from last year who might be finding it hard to get a job) would be interested in coming aboard?
Let me know if you could put the word out. We'd need a CV and covering letter to start with.
Chris Horrie notes: The 'Trade Press' or B2B is a good way into journalism, very much replacing or supplementing the traditional route through local papers. The same skills are premium - news reporting, accuracy, knowing the audience, tight unambiguous John Hit Fred writing style and a working knowledge of media law (plus a general excellent academic education in History or what have you). Please send me your CV if you are interested and I will send it on to him with an indication of what you are like - a 'warts and all' reference in other words - and all gloriously protected from my point of view by common law qualified privilege (ie not swtatutory parliamentary priv, or court reporting QP - but ordinary everyday situations, which I will be discussing with year three and year one.
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