Friday, 30 October 2009

Year Three - Innocence Project conference

SESSION TIMETABLE (Please note that overall timings are confirmed, but there may be minor changes to session timings and speakers)

Friday 30th October – The Innocence Network UK: Scope and Remit, and
“Victims’ Voices”, chaired by Bruce Kent

1800-1830 Registration

1830-1845 Chair’s welcome and the broader remit of innocence project work: Dr Michael Naughton

1845-1940 Session 1: The difficulties that prisoners maintaining innocence face in making progress through the prison system and achieving their release: led by Tony McGregor (NOMS) & Terry McCarthy (Parole Board)

1940-2000 Session 2: Victims’ Voices I: Gerry Conlon (1)

2000-2020 Paul Blackburn (2)

2020-2040 Q & A with the evening’s speakers

2040-2115 Drinks Reception, and informal “Meet the Speakers”

Saturday 31st October – Case Work: What To Do and How To Do It (chaired by Dr Paul Mason)

0900-0930 Registration

0930-1100 Session 3: What’s in the Box? File Handling and Case Review (workshops, followed by review)

1100-1115 Coffee

1115-1245 Session 4: The Evidence: What to Look For (workshops, followed by review)

1245-1330 Lunch

1330-1500 Session 5: Getting Advice: Supervising Lawyers and Forensic Science Experts (workshop, followed by review by Philip Evans, INUK national legal advisor; Nigel Hodge, forensic scientist)

1500-1515 Coffee

1515-1545 Session 6: Electronic Case Management: an Introduction to Casemap (Dr Paul Mason)

1545-1645 Session 7: Fieldwork in the USA: Kate Hill Germond, Associate Director, Investigator & Advocate, Centurion Ministries (chaired by Dr Michael Naughton)

1645-1715 Session 8: Feedback and Discussion

1715 END

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