Monday, 26 October 2009

Year One - Another Joseph Addison essay

I've uploaded another Joseph Addison essay - THE ROYAL EXCHANGE (part1)(part2)(part3) - for the lecture Tuesday about early journalism. You should read this along with the other essays, previously notified via the page on the HCJ1 section of the course site - THE ADVENTURES OF A SHILLING being the most straightforward. The theme - as I will discuss in the lecture - is the link between early journalism with trade and the Coffee Houses and Chocolate Drinking Clubs (such as Dryden's Kit Kat club; and the Hell Fire Club) and between wit (think of Blackadder III) conservative Whig politics (pace: John Locke) and the political reaction against the Puritanism of Cromwell the New Model Army, and The Commonwealth (republic). Although we will restrict the seminar discussion to Addison, it is ways in the same context thinking about Daniel Defoe (eg Moll Flanders), sometimes described as the father of English journalism, as well the father of the novel. Then - while I remember it - there's the magnificent pastiche of Joseph Addison's writing style (peerless I should say) in The Draftsman's Contract.Also - The Leveller mutiny, Winstanley and the diggers.

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