Thursday, 8 October 2009

Descartes, alternative reality, conspiracy theories, anti-semitism

Something reminded me on an article I did years ago for BBC online about popular conspiracy theories. This is a bit like Descates and his idea of the Evil Demon who deceives everyone about everything (for David Icke this is updated to super-intelligent lizards from another planet who have morphed themselves into the British Royal family - possible I suppose and unlike, say the book of genesis, impossible to refute by means of empirical evidence. We are talking today about French anti-semitism in the wake of Dreyfus and the Commune, and Action Francais who, during the second world war were so anti-semitic that even the SS had to restrain them. Modern anti-semitism dates back in the main to French pulp fiction from the third republic, where books like those of Edouard Drumont - very much the Da Vinci Code of his day. These works of fiction - presented as fact - were later used as 'evidence' of a world jewish conspiracy. See: Paranoia Paradise.

Video of David Icke and his theories. His opinions are apparently gaining more currency. As Icke himself points out you simply can not refute his arguments. He even confesses to psychotic episodes (hearing voices).

Here he is: David Icke.
David Icke - psychopathic anti-semitism.

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