Saturday, 3 October 2009


All the first year single hons blogs are up and running now - a very good collection overall. I have commented on all of them. The exception is Mike Smith, who I know did set up a blog, but it is now malfunctioning. I have photos for almost all first years as well (though I have to add them to the site yet in some cases). One or two are still missing. It really helps lecturers and other students if we know who we are talking to. Relatively few first year combined have sent me their URL and pictures yet, but I am about to read them as well. If I have time over the rest of this weekend I will re-establish the third year blogs, go through them and also go through the second year blogs to have a look what is going on there. The next steps (over the next few weeks) will be to see how to increase traffic for your blog (if this is what you want and I think that would be a priority for third years certainly). I have just been doing some work for Channel Four News on increasing their web presence so I am expert on that. Eg Omar and Liban in year three have got a good blog which we can optimise. The key to this (as you will see) is finding other simialr journalism blogs (eg at Columbia University in New York and linking to them, leaving comments, and getting them to link back. There are other things that you can do so as registering your blog with Google Directory and other online directory. But we will come to all that in good time.

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