Friday, 18 September 2009

BJTC work placement guidelines

Year three/ year two: Please follow this link to read the latest guidelines for doing a period of work placement with a commercial news operation (radio, TV or internet). The thing is that is has to be NEWS (not sport or features).

The main points are that you can only take part in the BJTC scheme if you are on the single honours course and if you are in year two or three. Also YOU MUST HAVE THE APPROVAL OF BRIAN OR MYSELF BEFORE YOU SEND THE APPLICATION. We will make a judgement as to whether you can benefit from doing such a period of work attachment or not. It is NOT the case that you can take part in this scheme simply by being on the course. That said the scheme is a very good one and if you have a decent shorthand speed, have been reading the papers every day and turn round stories quickly and are generally a 'news nut' then you will get a huge amount out of this.

But it is not 'observational' type work attachment - you will have to be gathering and writing news from the moment you arrive - although they will not expect you to be completely up to speed.

A lot of students have pointed out how important and useful the 'fatal errors' system is, and this is where it pays off. In letters of application you should attach the Fatal Error marking sheet and say that is what you have trained on (it is the best in the country).

If you don't feel confident enough about this, don't worry we can make other arrangements. You can still do a work attachment that will satisfy the requirements of passing the appropriate module, without having to do a BJTC type work placement (the BJTC validates the course as a whole, not individual students).

We will give you a briefing about this during the WINOL set up period in the early sessions of the new academic year.

The guidelines are here.


Kayleigh said...

Oooh sounds full on this year!! Time for us Journo's to kiss goodbye to our social lives I think!

Chris Horrie said...

No - journalism BECOMES your social life... a complete fusion is eventually achieved.

good, good everybody leave more comments...